Model English School

School 1


School 1
School 3


The school is situated on the outskirts of Egra town (municipality and subdivisional town) but easily accessible to all. It is situated beside the main road (Egra Hospital- Kudi Dobandhi Road) and one can reach the school very easily by availing any kind of transport ( bus, trekker, auto rickshaw, toto rickshaw, etc.) without spending much time. The school has 150 decimal land ( front and back portion) amidst rural and serene ambience, far from the madding crowd. Other than a big playground, there are a number of outdoor playground equipments to make the children cherish and nourish their sweet childhood.


The school has spacious corridor and big class rooms ( each room measuring 600 square feet ) with good amenities and utilities. It has enough lighting and useful facilities like toilets,  sinks, work areas, lockers, storage spaces, drinking water facilities, signage boards and so on. Each classroom is equipped with two air conditioning machines and four ceiling fans. As this is coastal area (thirty kilometres from The Bay of Bengal) and maximum time of the year has hot and humid weather, the children feel very uncomfortable even if all the fans move in full speed. And in that case when four ceiling fans move in full speed the children can't listen to the teachers properly. And hence, to make the classroom teaching learning calm & quiet and to ensure that all the words spoken by the teachers penetrate the children's mind the classrooms are kept comfortable and dehumidifed ( not chilled) with the help of air conditioning system.

Staff  Members
Years of experience


I can clearly recollect my early childhood when I had to starve every now and then. It was a struggle for existence. I had to struggle hard to get a bite to eat. During that period when all other children were going to school to get their education I was fighting the battle of life. I gritted my teeth and made a  promise to myself that I have to do. And then a time came when I realised that I have  earned a huge amount of money. The hunger of stomach got satisfied but the hunger of mind remained unquenched. I had to wander about from one place to another in search of a job and I realised how people suffer owing to lack of good communication skill. It was not that they were uneducated but the fact was that they did not have fluency. I understood how important role English language plays in our society inspite of the fact that the British left our country before seventy five years. During this time I happened to meet Mr. Animesh Dash who owing to the lack of  proper infrastructure of a school was in a crisis and the life of many children was in a fix. At this juncture, MODEL ENGLISH SCHOOL, Egra, was born.

Mr. Bankim Payra Director(Derozio Educational Trust)


"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world"- said Malala Yousufzai who stood up for education and was shot by Taliban. Education is literally a panacea for this complex world as our society is now plagued with various problems. In order to get holistic and higher education the importance of English cannot be denied.

However, this does not mean that mother tongue is to be neglected. With a view to instilling English language in an entertaining way among the children this school has been set up. Every individual is a unique existence of this world. Hence, there must not be a homogeneous solution for heterogeneous class as there are varieties of students in a classroom. Another important thing which should be mentioned here is that a teacher is not only a teacher now, he/ she is an educator as he/ she has to do many tasks apart from teaching. And a classroom is not restricted to four walls now, teaching has to be a fun, teacher should have patience, empathy, technological skills and so on and so forth. So, my humble request to you all; before giving your child in a school, keep all these things in mind and be sure that your children are in the safe and secure hands. And last but not least- Those who are very much   bothered about NOC/REGISTRATION /AFFILIATION should be reminded that "পারাবার পার পার হয়ে এসে ডুবিবো কি গোষ্পদে ?" কালিদাস রায় .

" I'm in blood

Stepped in so far that should I wade no more

Returning were as tedious as go o'er." -William Shakespeare


Mr. Animesh Dash Executive Director(Derozio Educational Trust) &
Principal(Model English School)


I had to wander about with my parents and move from one place to another to get a tidbit of food. I witnessed how people suffered only for lack of proper education. I came across many people who despite having huge amount of money led almost a crippled life. Education lets a blind man see, a lame man walk, a deaf and dumb man articulate words and a cripple  climb mountain. Lack of education made me understand that I was, as if, a bird without wings. I dreamt a  society where no one will remain unschooled . I am fortunate that I have been a part of this drive. Let the children get a good schooling with all modern technologies. This school is equipped with learned and trained teachers, state of the art features, ideal teacher- student ratio and so on. We are committed to the society that the children here will get a true English medium schooling.

Another important thing I want to mention here is that a teacher is now a second parent. Until and unless a teacher becomes a second parent and  a positive attitude and relationship between the teacher and the taught is developed, overall teaching learning remains incomplete.


Ms. Banani Payra Managing Director(Derozio Educational Trust)


There are many schools in our locality and even a number of English medium schools have been established. But it is very unfortunate and regrettable that inside the school premises the students speak Bengali and they are not compelled  to speak English. And in my experience I have seen that, until and unless a student is compelled to speak English they will not grow this habit . Apart from this, proper methodology of teaching is not maintained in many schools. Dearth of teaching aids and modern technologies, orientation and proper guidance for the teachers and lack of sincerity make teaching learning futile. We try to provide a true English medium schooling  here where as a subject Bengali is equally emphasised. We focus on teaching learning than anything else. What makes our school special is that without proper lesson plan the teachers are not allowed to go to class and hence there is very little possibility that the children are misled and they are led into erroneous answers. Besides this, the question answers are checked by proper authority and then delivered to the students.



Mr. Prithwi Kumar Mishra President, School Management Committee(Model English School)